Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Big Day for the USA

I was amazed as I watched the millions of people in DC as Barack Obama became the 44th President. The chanting was unlike any other inauguration I had ever seen. If style can be translated into substance, there is much to hope for. If partisanship can be laid aside for the common good, we can get out of this mess. Let's hope.

I had severl people mention to me that they saw me on PAC-14. I didn't realize it got that much traffic. Anyway, if you don't know what PAC-14 is, it's the local Public Access Channel for Wicomico County and I did a special with Dr. Gianni Hayes that I hope we can spin into a monthly series where we interview local authors and talk about writing. Here's the website: http://www.pac14.org/

Go check it out. More haunted houses are popping up as I talk to more people. If you have a true paranormal event to share, drop me a line. Meantime, back to work! Come and see Your Humble Scribe again.

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